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Miracle Soldering Glue (2 Bottles)
  • made in China
  • Drop Shipping / Wholesale

Miracle Soldering Glue (2 Bottles) details

Strong and durable repairs to weld metal and many other surface types! The Miracle Welding Glue is a fast-setting, two-part cold welding system that provides strong, long-lasting repairs to welded metals and many other surface types. Great for DIY homes, cars, boats, craft repairs and more. This Miracle Welding Glue is reinforced with steel bars for tensile strength to withstand high temperatures. When fully cured, this soldering glue is waterproof and resistant to petroleum, chemicals and acids. Can be used as adhesives, laminates, plugs, fillers, sealants and electrical insulators. Remains flexible for 2 minutes after mixing, sets in just 1 hour and fully cures in 8-12 hours. Features: Ease of Use: Mixes to form a permanent bond and cures to form, tap, file, sand and drill. It has a 1:1 mix ratio and sets in 6 minutes and fully cures in 4-6 hours. Effective Adhesive: Developed as an alternative to torch welding, it provides strong and durable repairs to metals and multiple other surfaces. It will bond to almost any clean surface that is free of dirt and oil. High temperature resistance: Can withstand temperatures up to 150°C. When fully cured, it is as hard as iron and provides a uniform bondline thickness. Do it yourself: No matter the size, you can DIY with this amazing soldering glue. Our heavy duty epoxies and adhesives repair and restore it the first time. Surface Applications: Metals, plastics and PVC, wood, concrete, ceramics and tiles, and fiberglass. Clean and dry the surface before applying the glue, and finish the job within 20 minutes of mixing.