Hourglass Hip details
Wanna get rid of Hip Dips/Dents? Get the curves you always wanted. Put them on like any other underwear. You'll forget you're wearing a hourglass figure. Feel your figure smooth out and form rich curves. Experience more eyeballs than ever before. Go out and get used to people saying 'Wow!'. But that will be a nice problem to have. 10 Good Reasons For Hourglass Hips Leaves no marks on your skin! Easy to wear and to get out of. Just like any other pair of panties! Lightweight design. You won't notice them! 24/7 fit. No fabric rolling up. No additional heat in the leg area. They stay cool and dry even in summer! No constriction in movement. Suitable for everyday wear. Work, Club, Gym, etc. No body-covering shapewear suit. Wear stomach-free outfits with it!